Breathe Easy air filters filter out airborne contaminants, pollutants, and microorganisms that harm human health and the environment. In commercial settings, the Breathe Easy filters maintain the quality of materials and goods while safeguarding expensive machinery. These air filters are crucial for maintaining particle counts in cleanroom environments. Before being released into the office atmosphere, dust, mold and bacteria are filtered and cleaned. Numerous workplaces, public buildings, medical facilities, laboratories, and clinics have air filters yet can add to it by filtering the supply and return air.
How Do Breathe Easy Filters Work?
Breathe Easy Filters supply dirty air from duct work accumulated over the years. Undesired particles are caught inside the filter medium. The particle content of the air is significantly lower when it exits the filter. As particles accumulate on the media's upstream side and help screen out other particles, these air filters become more effective at filtering particles. The filter medium is regularly replaced to avoid clogging, blinding and limiting airflow.
Commercial Air Filtration with Breathe Easy
Some tenants may think about closing their doors or switching to virtual offices after Covid, while others continue to operate from physical locations. Clean air is a top priority for businesses that keep physical offices to protect their workers. When appropriately used, Breathe Easy filters can significantly reduce airborne pollutants like viruses in a building. This is a strategy to lessen the likelihood of COVID-19 airborne transmission indoors and must include high-quality commercial Breathe Easy filters in addition to other best practices advised by the CDC and other public health organizations, such as social seclusion and mask use.
HVAC systems in commercial buildings frequently filter air before it is distributed throughout the structure. Therefore, if you're considering replacing commercial HVAC filters, use Breathe Easy Filters as necessary for your particular HVAC system, as even the EPA, ASHRAE, and CDC advise upgrading them for the highest efficiency possible and confirm the filter fit to lessen filter air bypass.